
A storage configuration provides ICA with information to connect to an external cloud storage provider, such as AWS S3. The storage configuration validates that the information provided is correct, and then continuously monitors the integration.

Refer to the following pages for instructions to setup supported external cloud storage providers:


The storage configuration requires credentials to connect to your storage. AWS uses the security credentials to authenticate and authorize your requests. On the System Settings > Storage > Credentials tab > Create storage credential, you can enter these credentials. Long-term access keys consist of a combination of the access key ID and secret access key as a set.

Fill out the following fields:

  • Type—The type of access credentials. This will usually be AWS user.

  • Name—Provide a name to easily identify your access key.

  • Access key ID—The access key you created.

  • Secret access key—Your related secret access key.

For more information, refer to the AWS security credentials documentation.

Create a Storage Configuration

  1. In the ICA main navigation, select System Settings > Storage > Configuration tab > New configuration.

  2. Configure the following settings for the storage configuration.

    • Type—Use the default value, eg, AWS_S3. Do not change.

    • Region—Select the region where the bucket is located.

    • Configuration name—You will use this name when creating volumes that reside in the bucket. The name length must be in between 3 and 63 characters.

    • Description—Here you can provide a description for yourself or other users to identify this storage configuration.

    • Bucket name—Enter the name of your S3 bucket.

    • Key prefix [Optional]—You can provide a key prefix to allow only files inside the prefix to be accessible. The key prefix must end with "/".

    • If a key prefix is specified, your projects will only have access to that folder and subfolders. For example, using the key prefix folder-1/ ensures that only the data from the folder-1 directory in your S3 bucket is synced with your ICA project. Using prefixes and distinct folders for each ICA project is the recommended configuration as it allows you to use the same S3 bucket for different projects.

    • Using no key prefix results in syncing all data in your S3 bucket (starting from root level) with your ICA project. Your project will have access to your entire S3 bucket, which prevents that S3 bucket from being used for other ICA projects. Although possible, this configuration is not recommended.

    • Secret—Select the credentials to associate with this storage configuration. These were created on the Credentials tab.

    • Server Side Encryption [Optional]—If needed, you can enter the algorithm and key name for server-side encryption processes.

  3. Select Save.

ICA performs a series of steps in the background to verify the connection to your bucket. This can take several minutes. You may need to manually refresh the list to verify that the bucket was successfully configured. Once the storage configuration setup is complete, the configuration can be used while creating a new project.

With the action Set as default for region, you select which storage will be used as default storage in a region for new projects of your tenant. Only one storage can be default at a time for a region, so selecting a new storage as default will unselect the previous default. If you do not want to have a default, you can select the default storage and the action will become Unset as default for region.

The System Settings > Storage > Credentials > Share storage credential action is used to make the storage available to everyone in your tenant. By default, storage is private per user so that you have complete control over the contents. Once you decide you want to share the storage, simply select it and use the Share storage credential action. Do take into account that once shared, you can not unshare the storage. Once your storage is used in a project, it can also no longer be deleted.

Filenames beginning with / are not allowed, so be careful when entering full path names. Otherwise the file will end up on S3 but not be visible in ICA. If this happens, access your S3 storage directly and copy the data to where it was intended. If you are using an Illumina-managed S3 storage, submit a support request to delete the erroneous data.

Storage Configuration Verification

Every 4 hours, ICA will verify the storage configuration and credentials to ensure availability. When an error is detected, ICA will attempt to reconnect once every 15 minutes. After 200 consecutively failed connection attempts (50 hours), ICA will stop trying to connect.

When you update your credentials, the storage configuration is automatically validated. In addition, you can manually trigger revalidation when ICA has stopped trying to connect by selecting the storage and then clicking Validate on the System Settings > Storage > Configuration tab.

Refer to this page for the troubleshooting guide.

Last updated