Software Release Notes
This page contains the release notes for the current release. See the subpages for historic release notes.
2025 March 26 - ICA v2.34.0
New Features and Enhancements:
A new Experimental Nextflow version has been made available (v24.10.2). Users will no longer be able to create new pipelines with Nextflow v20.10.0. In early 2026 ICA will no longer support Nextflow v20.10.0
Added an API endpoint to retrieve analysis usage details, exposing the analysis price. The UI now differentiates between errors and ongoing price calculations, displaying 'Price is being calculated' for pending requests instead of a generic error message
Made the project owner field read-only in the project details view and added a button in the Teams view to edit the project owner via a separate dialog
Autolaunch and BCLConvert now support dots and spaces in project names
Data Management
Users are now able to create non-indexed folders. These are special folders which cannot be accessed from the UI with some specific actions blocked (such as moving or copying those folders)
Enhanced visibility for data transfers by clearly marking those that do not match any download rule as 'ignored' in the UI. This helps users quickly identify transfers that won't start, preventing confusion and improving troubleshooting.
In bundles it is now possible to open the details for docker and tool images by clicking on the name in the overview
User managed storage configurations now allow for the copying of tags when copying/moving/archiving files and folders
For fast read/write access in Bench, you can now, link non-indexed folders with the CLI command
workspace-ctl data create-mount --mode read-write
Bench can now be started in a single-user mode allowing only one user to work in the workspace. All assets generated in bench (e.g. pipelines) are owned by the Bench user instead of a service account
UI Changes made to Workspace configuration and splash pages
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where labels for success, failure, and other item counts were missing in the Batch job details panel
Improved error message in the API when creating a new project with user managed storage
Fixed an issue where the Save button remained enabled when clicking on the Documentation tab in the Tool Repository
Fixed duplicate project detection to handle the new 400 error response format, ensuring consistency with other unique constraint violations
Changes made to advanced scheduler options that are not applicable any longer
Removed erroneous Link/Unlink buttons in Tool and Docker Images of shared bundles
Fixed issue where project with large number of analyses loads slowly
Data Management
There will be a change in one of the upcoming releases where users are no longer able to edit connectors of other users through the API. This will be made consistent with the UI.
Fixed an issue where the sample list did not automatically refresh after deleting samples using the 'Delete input data and unlink other data' or 'Delete all data' options
Made display color of Bundle-related data more consistent
Removed on-click behavior off an added Cohorts dataset in a bundle that caused a yellow-bar warning
Fixed an issue preventing project creation with user managed storage when specifying a bucket name and prefix in the Storage Config without a subfolder
Fixed an issue where managing tags on data could result in a TransactionalException error, causing long load times and failed saves
When a project data download CLI command returned an error for a file, the command returned status 0, while it should have returned 1. This has now been fixed
Brought API in line with UI for detection of duplicate folder path already existing outside of your project
Fixed local version detection affecting automatic service connector upgrades
Improved error messaging when developing pipeline JSON based input forms
Fixed an issue where in some case Nextflow logs are too big but are still copied into the notification which causes the notification to fail. The log behind 'Show more' button is now truncated to a size which is accepted by SQS
Updated API behavior for JSON-based CWL and Nextflow pipelines to prevent unintended rounding of 'number' fields with values greater than 15 digits. Added a warning to advise users to pass such values as strings to maintain precision
Each analysis step attempt is now recorded as a separate entry, ensuring accurate billing and providing end users access to stdout/stderr logs for every retry
Fixed an issue when retries or duplicate step names caused improper entity_id identification
Clicking 'Open in Data' from analysis details now correctly redirects users to the file's parent folder in the project data view instead of the root
Refreshing the pipeline/workflow detail view now correctly updates the UI to reflect the latest version, ensuring any changes are displayed
Fixed issue where columns filtering on a number in base activity producing an error
Improved protection against concurrent status changes when stopping workspaces
Added refresh button to Bench workspaces
Improved error handling when special characters are added to the storage size of bench workspaces
Made the behavior when running and stopping workspaces more consistent
Fixed an issue where the UI did not refresh automatically during long workspace initialization times, causing the workspace status to remain outdated until manually refreshed
Last updated
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