
The Projects view is used to manage projects within the current tenant. Projects provide an access-controlled boundary for organizing and sharing resources created in the platform.

Note that there is a combined limit of 30,000 projects and bundles per tenant.

Create new Project

To create a new project, click the Projects > + Create Project button.

On the project creation screen, add information to create a project. See Project Details page for information about each field.

Required fields include:

  • Name

    • 1-255 characters

    • Must begin with a letter

    • Characters are limited to alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, and spaces

  • Analysis Priority (Low/Medium(default)/High) This is balanced per tenant with high priority analyses started first and the system progressing to the next lower priority once all higher priority analyses are running. Balance your priorities so that lower priority projects do not remain waiting for resources indefinitely.

  • Project Owner Owner (and usually contact person) of the project. The project owner has the same rights as a project administrator, but can not be removed from a project without first assigning another project owner. This can be done by the current project owner, the tenant administrator or a project administrator of the current project. Reassignment is done at Projects > your_project > Project Settings > Details > Edit.

  • Project Location Select your project location. Options available are based on Entitlement(s) associated with purchased subscription.

  • Storage Bundle (auto-selected based on user selection of Project Location)

Click the Save button to finish creating the project. The project will be visible from the Projects view.

Create with Storage Configuration

Refer to the Storage Configuration documentation for details on creating a storage configuration.

During project creation, select the I want to manage my own storage checkbox to use a Storage Configuration as the data provider for the project.

With a storage configuration set, a project will have a 2-way sync with the external cloud storage provider: any data added directly to the external storage will be sync'ed into the ICA project data, and any data added to the project will be sync'ed into the external cloud storage.

Managing Projects

Several tools are available to assist you with keeping an overview of your projects. These filters work in both list and tile view and persist across sessions.

  1. Searching is a case-insensitive wildcard filter. Any project which contains the characters will be shown. Use * as wildcard in searches. Be aware that operators without search words are blocked and will result in Unexpected error occurred when searching for projects. You can use the brackets, AND, OR and NOT operators, provided that you do not start the search with them (Monkey AND Banana is allowed, AND Aardvark by itself is invalid syntax)

  2. Filter by Workgroup : Projects in ICA can be accessible for different workgroups. This drop-down list allows you to filter projects for specific workgroups. To reset the filter so it displays projects from all your workgroups, clear the text in the filter.

  3. Hidden projects : You can hide projects (Projects > your_project > Details > Hide) which you no longer use. Hiding will delete data in base and bench. You can still see hidden projects if you select this option and delete the data they contain at Projects > your_project > Data to save on storage costs. If you are using your own S3 bucket, your S3 storage will be unlinked from the project, but the data will remain in your S3 storage. Your S3 storage can then be used for other projects.

  4. Favorites : By clicking on the star next to the project name in the tile view, you set a project as favourite. You can have multiple favourites and use the Favourites checkbox to only show those favourites. This prevents having too many projects visible.

  5. Tile view shows a grid of projects. This view is best suited if you only have a few projects or have filtered them out by creating favourites. A single click will open the project.

  6. List view shows a list of projects. This view allows you to add additional filters on name, description, location, user role, tenant, size and analyses. A double-click is required to open the project.

Missing Projects: If you are missing projects which have been created by other users, the workgroup filter might still be active. You need to delete the < Personal > text from the workgroup filter. Otherwise, you will not see projects from workgroups of which you are not a member. You can verify the list of projects to which you have access with the CLI command icav2 projects list.

Externally-managed projects

Illumina software applications built on top of ICA (ie, BSSH) use externally-managed projects to store resources, where the project is owned by the application and users in the tenant are limited to read-only access when accessing the project directly through ICA.

Projects are indicated as externally-managed in the projects overview screen by a project card with a light grey accent and a lock symbol followed by "managed by app".

Last updated