Command Index
The build number, together with the used libraries and licenses are provided in the accompanying readme file.
Command line interface for the Illumina Connected Analytics, a genomics platform-as-a-service
icav2 [command]
Available Commands:
analysisstorages Analysis storages commands
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config Config actions
dataformats Data format commands
help Help about any command
jobs Job commands
metadatamodels Metadata model commands
pipelines Pipeline commands
projectanalyses Project analyses commands
projectdata Project Data commands
projectpipelines Project pipeline commands
projects Project commands
projectsamples Project samples commands
regions Region commands
storagebundles Storage bundle commands
storageconfigurations Storage configurations commands
tokens Tokens commands
version The version of this application
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-h, --help help for icav2
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-v, --version version for icav2
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 analysisstorages
This is the root command for actions that act on analysis storages
icav2 analysisstorages [command]
Available Commands:
list list of storage id's
-h, --help help for analysisstorages
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 analysisstorages [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 analysisstorages list
This command lists all the analysis storage id's
icav2 analysisstorages list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 completion
This command generates custom completion functions for icav2 tool. These functions facilitate the generation of context-aware suggestions based on the user's input and specific directives provided by the icav2 tool. For example, for ZSH shell the completion function _icav2() is generated. It could provide suggestions for available commands, flags, and arguments depending on the context, making it easier for the user to interact with the tool without having to constantly refer to documentation.
To enable this custom completion function, you would typically include it in your Zsh configuration (e.g., in .zshrc or a separate completion script) and then use the compdef command to associate the function with the icav2 command:
compdef _icav2 icav2
This way, when the user types icav2 followed by a space and presses the TAB key, Zsh will call the _icav2 function to provide context-aware suggestions based on the user's input and the icav2 tool's directives.
Generate the autocompletion script for icav2 for the specified shell.
See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.
icav2 completion [command]
Available Commands:
bash Generate the autocompletion script for bash
fish Generate the autocompletion script for fish
powershell Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
zsh Generate the autocompletion script for zsh
-h, --help help for completion
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 completion [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 completion bash
Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.
This script depends on the 'bash-completion' package.
If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager.
To load completions in your current shell session:
source <(icav2 completion bash)
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
#### Linux:
icav2 completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/icav2
#### macOS:
icav2 completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/icav2
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
icav2 completion bash
-h, --help help for bash
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 completion fish
Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.
To load completions in your current shell session:
icav2 completion fish | source
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
icav2 completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
icav2 completion fish [flags]
-h, --help help for fish
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 completion powershell
Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.
To load completions in your current shell session:
icav2 completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command
to your powershell profile.
icav2 completion powershell [flags]
-h, --help help for powershell
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 completion zsh
Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.
If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need
to enable it. You can execute the following once:
echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
To load completions in your current shell session:
source <(icav2 completion zsh)
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
#### Linux:
icav2 completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_icav2"
#### macOS:
icav2 completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_icav2
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
icav2 completion zsh [flags]
-h, --help help for zsh
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 config
Config command provides functions for CLI configuration management.
icav2 config [command]
Available Commands:
get Get configuration information
reset Remove the configuration information
set Set configuration information
-h, --help help for config
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 config [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 config get
Get configuration information.
icav2 config get [flags]
-h, --help help for get
icav2 config reset
Remove configuration information.
icav2 config reset [flags]
-h, --help help for reset
icav2 config set
Set configuration information. Following information is asked when starting the command :
- server-url : used to form the url for the rest api's.
- x-api-key : api key used to fetch the JWT used to authenticate to the API server.
- colormode : set depending on your background color of your terminal. Input's and errors are colored. Default is 'none', meaning that no colors will be used in the output.
- table-format : Output layout, defaults to a table, other allowed values are json and yaml
icav2 config set [flags]
-h, --help help for set
icav2 dataformats
This is the root command for actions that act on Data formats
icav2 dataformats [command]
Available Commands:
list List data formats
-h, --help help for dataformats
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 dataformats [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 dataformats list
This command lists the data formats you can use inside of a project
icav2 dataformats list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 help
Help provides help for any command in the application.
Simply type icav2 help [path to command] for full details.
icav2 help [command] [flags]
-h, --help help for help
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 jobs
This is the root command for actions that act on jobs
icav2 jobs [command]
Available Commands:
get Get details of a job
-h, --help help for jobs
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 jobs [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 jobs get
This command fetches the details of a job using the argument as an id (uuid).
icav2 jobs get [job id] [flags]
-h, --help help for get
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 metadatamodels
This is the root command for actions that act on metadata models
icav2 metadatamodels [command]
Available Commands:
list list of metadata models
-h, --help help for metadatamodels
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 metadatamodels [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 metadatamodels list
This command lists all the metadata models
icav2 metadatamodels list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 pipelines
This is the root command for actions that act on pipelines
icav2 pipelines [command]
Available Commands:
get Get details of a pipeline
list List pipelines
-h, --help help for pipelines
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 pipelines [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 pipelines get
This command fetches the details of a pipeline without a project context
icav2 pipelines get [pipeline id] [flags]
-h, --help help for get
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 pipelines list
This command lists the pipelines without the context of a project
icav2 pipelines list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectanalyses
This is the root command for actions that act on projects analysis
icav2 projectanalyses [command]
Available Commands:
get Get the details of an analysis
input Retrieve input of analyses commands
list List of analyses for a project
output Retrieve output of analyses commands
update Update tags of analyses
-h, --help help for projectanalyses
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 projectanalyses [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 projectanalyses get
This command returns all the details of a analysis.
icav2 projectanalyses get [analysis id] [flags]
-h, --help help for get
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectanalyses input
Retrieve input of analyses commands
icav2 projectanalyses input [analysisId] [flags]
-h, --help help for input
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectanalyses list
This command lists the analyses for a given project. Sorting can be done on
- reference
- userReference
- pipeline
- status
- startDate
- endDate
- summary
icav2 projectanalyses list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
--max-items int maximum number of items to return, the limit and default is 1000
--page-offset int Page offset, only used in combination with sort-by. Offset-based pagination has a result limit of 200K rows and does not guarantee unique results across pages
--page-size int32 Page size, only used in combination with sort-by. The amount of rows to return. Use in combination with the offset or cursor parameter to get subsequent results. Default and max value of pagesize=1000 (default 1000)
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--sort-by string specifies the order to list items
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectanalyses output
Retrieve output of analyses commands
icav2 projectanalyses output [analysisId] [flags]
-h, --help help for output
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--raw-output Add this flag if output should be in raw format. Applies only for Cwl pipelines ! This flag needs no value, adding it sets the value to true.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectanalyses update
Updates the user and technical tags of an analysis
icav2 projectanalyses update [analysisId] [flags]
--add-tech-tag stringArray Tech tag to add to analysis. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--add-user-tag stringArray User tag to add to analysis. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
-h, --help help for update
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--remove-tech-tag stringArray Tech tag to remove from analysis. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--remove-user-tag stringArray User tag to remove from analysis. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata
This is the root command for actions that act on projects data
icav2 projectdata [command]
Available Commands:
archive archive data
copy Copy data to a project
create Create data id for a project
delete delete data
download Download a file/folder
downloadurl get download url
folderuploadsession Get details of a folder upload
get Get details of a data
link Link data to a project
list List data
mount Mount project data
move Move data to a project
temporarycredentials fetch temporal credentials for data
unarchive unarchive data
unlink Unlink data to a project
unmount Unmount project data
update Updates the details of a data
upload Upload a file/folder
-h, --help help for projectdata
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 projectdata [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 projectdata archive
This command archives data for a given project
icav2 projectdata archive [path or data Id] [flags]
-h, --help help for archive
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata copy
This command copies data between projects. Use data id or a combination of path and --source-project-id to identify the source data. By default, the root folder of your current project will be used as destination. If you want to specify a destination, use --destination-folder to specify the destination path or folder id.
icav2 projectdata copy [data id] or [path] [flags]
--action-on-exist string what to do when a file or folder with the same name already exists: OVERWRITE|SKIP|RENAME (default "SKIP")
--background starts job in background on server. Does not provide upload progress updates. Use icav2 jobs get with the current value
--copy-instrument-info copy instrument info form source data to destination data
--copy-technical-tags copy technical tags form source data to destination data
--copy-user-tags copy user tags form source data to destination data
--destination-folder string folder id or path to where you want to copy the data, default root of project
-h, --help help for copy
--polling-interval int polling interval in seconds for job status, values lower than 30 will be set to 30 (default 30)
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--source-project-id string project ID from where the data needs to be copied, mandatory when using source path notation
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata create
This command creates a data on a project. It takes name of file/folder as an argument
icav2 projectdata create [name] [flags]
--data-type string (*) Data type : FILE or FOLDER
--folder-id string Id of the folder
--folder-path string Folder path under which the new project data will be created.
--format string Only allowed for file, sets the format of the file.
-h, --help help for create
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata delete
This command deletes data for a given project
icav2 projectdata delete [path or dataId] [flags]
-h, --help help for delete
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata download
Download a file/folder. Source path can be a data id or a path. Source path for download of a folder should end with '*'. For files : Target defines either local folder into which the download will occur, or a path with a new name for the file. If the file already exists locally, it is overwritten. For folders : If folder does not exist locally, it will be created automatically. Overwrite of an existing folder will need to be acknowledged.
icav2 projectdata download [source data id or path] [target path] [flags]
--exclude string Regex filter for file names to exclude from download.
--exclude-source-path Indicates that on folder download, the CLI will not create the parent folders of the downloaded folder in ICA on your local machine.
-h, --help help for download
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Example 1
Using this command all the files starting with VariantCaller- will be downloaded (prerequisite: a tool jq is installed on the machine):
icav2 projectdata list --data-type FILE --file-name VariantCaller- --match-mode FUZZY -o json | jq -r '.items[].id' > filelist.txt; for item in $(cat filelist.txt); do echo "--- $item ---"; icav2 projectdata download $item . ; done;
Example 2
Here an example of how to download all BAM files from a project (we are using some jq features to remove '.bam.bai' and '.bam.md5sum' files)
icav2 projectdata list --file-name .bam --match-mode FUZZY -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.details.format.code == "BAM") | [.id] | @tsv' > filelist.txt; for item in $(cat filelist.txt); do echo "--- $item ---"; icav2 projectdata download $item . ; done
Tip: If you want to look up a file id from the GUI, go to that file and open te details view. The file id can be found on the top left side and will begin with fil.
icav2 projectdata downloadurl
This command returns the data download url for a given project
icav2 projectdata downloadurl [path or data Id] [flags]
-h, --help help for downloadurl
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata folderuploadsession
This command fetches the details a folder upload
icav2 projectdata folderuploadsession [project id] [data id] [folder upload session id] [flags]
-h, --help help for folderuploadsession
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata get
This command fetches the details a data
icav2 projectdata get [data id] or [path] [flags]
-h, --help help for get
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata link
This links data to a project. Use data id or the path + the source project flag identify the data.
icav2 projectdata link [data id] or [path] [flags]
-h, --help help for link
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--source-project-id string project ID from where the data needs to be linked
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata list
It is best practice to always surround your path with quotes if you want to use the * wildcard. Otherwise, you may run into situations where the command results in "accepts at most 1 arg(s), received x" as it returns folders with the same name, but different amounts of subfolders.
For more information on how to use pagination, please refer to Cursor- versus Offset-based Pagination
If you want to look up a file id from the GUI, go to that file and open te details view. The file id can be found on the top left side and will begin with fil.
This command lists the data for a given project. Page-offset can only be used in combination with sort-by. Sorting can be done on
- timeCreated
- timeModified
- name
- path
- fileSizeInBytes
- status
- format
- dataType
- willBeArchivedAt
- willBeDeletedAt
icav2 projectdata list [path] [flags]
--data-type string Data type. Available values : FILE or FOLDER
--eligible-link Add this flag if output should contain only the data that is eligible for linking on the current project. This flag needs no value, adding it sets the value to true.
--file-name stringArray The filenames to filter on. The filenameMatchMode-parameter determines how the filtering is done. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
-h, --help help for list
--match-mode string Match mode for the file name. Available values : EXACT (default), EXCLUDE, FUZZY.
--max-items int maximum number of items to return, the limit and default is 1000
--page-offset int Page offset, only used in combination with sort-by. Offset-based pagination has a result limit of 200K rows and does not guarantee unique results across pages
--page-size int32 Page size, only used in combination with sort-by. The amount of rows to return. Use in combination with the offset or cursor parameter to get subsequent results. Default and max value of pagesize=1000 (default 1000)
--parent-folder Indicates that the given argument is path of the parent folder. All children are selected for list, not the folder itself. This flag needs no value, adding it sets the value to true.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--sort-by string specifies the order to list items
--status stringArray Add the status of the data. Available values : PARTIAL, AVAILABLE, ARCHIVING, ARCHIVED, UNARCHIVING, DELETING. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Example to list files in the folder SOURCE
icav2 projectdata list --project-id <project_id> --parent-folder /SOURCE/
Example to list only subfolders in the folder SOURCE
icav2 projectdata list --project-id <project_id> --parent-folder /SOURCE/ --data-type FOLDER
icav2 projectdata mount
This command mounts the project data as a file system directory for a given project
icav2 projectdata mount [mount directory path] [flags]
--allow-other Allow other users to access this project
-h, --help help for mount
--list List currently mounted projects
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata move
This command moves data between projects. Use data id or a combination of path and --source-project-id to identify the source data. By default, the root folder of your current project will be used as destination. If you want to specify a destination, use --destination-folder to specify the destination path or folder id.
icav2 projectdata move [data id] or [path] [flags]
--background starts job in background on server. Does not provide upload progress updates. Use icav2 jobs get with the current value
--destination-folder string folder id or path to where you want to move the data, default root of project
-h, --help help for move
--polling-interval int polling interval in seconds for job status, values lower than 30 will be set to 30 (default 30)
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--source-project-id string project ID from where the data needs to be moved, mandatory when using source path notation
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata temporarycredentials
This command fetches temporal AWS and Rclone credentials for a given project-data. If path is given, project id from the flag --project-id is used. If flag not present project is taken from the context
icav2 projectdata temporarycredentials [path or data Id] [flags]
-h, --help help for temporarycredentials
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata unarchive
This command unarchives data for a given project
icav2 projectdata unarchive [path or dataId] [flags]
-h, --help help for unarchive
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata unlink
This unlinks data from a project. Use path or id to identifiy the data.
icav2 projectdata unlink [data id] or [path] [flags]
-h, --help help for unlink
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata unmount
This command unmounts previously mounted project data
icav2 projectdata unmount [flags]
--directory-path string Set path to unmount
-h, --help help for unmount
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata update
This command updates some details of a data. Only user/tech tags, format and dates of will be archived/delete can be updated.
icav2 projectdata update [data id] or [path] [flags]
--add-tech-tag stringArray Tech tag to add. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--add-user-tag stringArray User tag to add. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--format-code string Format to assign to the data. Only available for files.
-h, --help help for update
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--remove-tech-tag stringArray Tech tag to remove. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--remove-user-tag stringArray User tag to remove. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--will-be-archived-at string Time when data will be archived. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. Time is set to 00:00:00UTC time. Only available for files.
--will-be-deleted-at string Time when data will be deleted. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. Time is set to 00:00:00UTC time. Only available for files.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectdata upload
Upload a file/folder. For files : if the target path does not already exist, it will be created automatically. For folders : overwrite will need to be acknowledged. Argument "icapath" is optional.
icav2 projectdata upload [local path] [icapath] [flags]
--existing-sample Link to existing sample
-h, --help help for upload
--new-sample Create and link to new sample
--num-workers int number of workers to parallelize. Default calculated based on CPUs available.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--sample-description string Set Sample Description for new sample
--sample-id string Set Sample id of existing sample
--sample-name string Set Sample name for new sample or from existing sample
--sample-technical-tag stringArray Set Sample Technical tag for new sample
--sample-user-tag stringArray Set Sample User tag for new sample
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Example for uploading multiple files
In this example all the fastq.gz files from source will be uploaded to target using xargs utility.
find $source -name '*.fastq.gz' | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} icav2 projectdata upload {} /$target/
Example for uploading multiple files using a CSV file
In this example we upload multiple bam files specified with the corresponding path in the file bam_files.csv. The files will be renamed. We are using screen in detached mode (this creates a new session but not attaching to it):
while IFS=, read -r current_bam_file_name bam_path new_bam_file_name
screen -d -m icav2 projectdata upload ${bam_path}/${current_bam_file} /bam_files/${new_bam_file_name} --project-id $projectID
done <./bam_files.csv 2>./log.txt
icav2 projectpipelines
This is the root command for actions that act on projects pipeline
icav2 projectpipelines [command]
Available Commands:
create Create a pipeline
input Retrieve input parameters of pipeline
link Link pipeline to a project
list List of pipelines for a project
start Start a pipeline
unlink Unlink pipeline from a project
-h, --help help for projectpipelines
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 projectpipelines [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 projectpipelines create
This command creates a pipeline in the current project
icav2 projectpipelines create [command]
Available Commands:
cwl Create a cwl pipeline
cwljson Create a cwl Json pipeline
nextflow Create a nextflow pipeline
nextflowjson Create a nextflow Json pipeline
-h, --help help for create
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 projectpipelines create [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 projectpipelines create cwl
This command creates a CWL pipeline in the current project using the argument as code for the pipeline
icav2 projectpipelines create cwl [code] [flags]
--category stringArray Category of the cwl pipeline. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--comment string Version comments
--description string (*) Description of pipeline
-h, --help help for cwl
--html-doc string Html documentation for the cwl pipeline
--links string links in json format
--parameter string (*) Path to the parameter XML file. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--proprietary Add the flag if this pipeline is proprietary
--storage-size string (*) Name of the storage size. Can be fetched using the command 'icav2 analysisstorages list'.
--tool stringArray Path to the tool cwl file. Add flag multiple times for multiple values. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--workflow string (*) Path to the workflow cwl file. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines create cwljson
This command creates a CWL Json pipeline in the current project using the argument as code for the pipeline
icav2 projectpipelines create cwljson [code] [flags]
--category stringArray Category of the cwl pipeline. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--comment string Version comments
--description string (*) Description of pipeline
-h, --help help for cwljson
--html-doc string Html documentation for the cwl pipeline
--inputForm string (*) Path to the input form file.
--links string links in json format
--onRender string Path to the on render file.
--onSubmit string Path to the on submit file.
--otherInputForm stringArray Path to the other input form files. Add flag multiple times for multiple values. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--proprietary Add the flag if this pipeline is proprietary
--storage-size string (*) Name of the storage size. Can be fetched using the command 'icav2 analysisstorages list'.
--tool stringArray Path to the tool cwl file. Add flag multiple times for multiple values. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--workflow string (*) Path to the workflow cwl file. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines create nextflow
This command creates a Nextflow pipeline in the current project
icav2 projectpipelines create nextflow [code] [flags]
--category stringArray Category of the nextflow pipeline. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--comment string Version comments
--config string Path to the config nextflow file. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--description string (*) Description of pipeline
-h, --help help for nextflow
--html-doc string Html documentation fo the nexflow pipeline
--links string links in json format
--main string (*) Path to the main nextflow file. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--nextflow-version string Version of nextflow language to use.
--other stringArray Path to the other nextflow file. Add flag multiple times for multiple values. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--parameter string (*) Path to the parameter XML file. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--proprietary Add the flag if this pipeline is proprietary
--storage-size string (*) Name of the storage size. Can be fetched using the command 'icav2 analysisstorages list'.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines create nextflowjson
This command creates a Nextflow Json pipeline in the current project
icav2 projectpipelines create nextflowjson [code] [flags]
--category stringArray Category of the nextflow pipeline. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--comment string Version comments
--config string Path to the config nextflow file. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--description string (*) Description of pipeline
-h, --help help for nextflowjson
--html-doc string Html documentation fo the nexflow pipeline
--inputForm string (*) Path to the input form file.
--links string links in json format
--main string (*) Path to the main nextflow file. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--nextflow-version string Version of nextflow language to use.
--onRender string Path to the on render file.
--onSubmit string Path to the on submit file.
--other stringArray Path to the other nextflow file. Add flag multiple times for multiple values. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--otherInputForm stringArray Path to the other input form files. Add flag multiple times for multiple values. You can set a custom file name and path by adding ':filename=' and the filename with optionally the path the file should be located in.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--proprietary Add the flag if this pipeline is proprietary
--storage-size string (*) Name of the storage size. Can be fetched using the command 'icav2 analysisstorages list'.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines input
Retrieve input parameters of pipeline
icav2 projectpipelines input [pipelineId] [flags]
-h, --help help for input
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines link
This links a pipeline to a project. Use code or id to identifiy the pipeline. If code is not found, argument is used as id.
icav2 projectpipelines link [pipeline name] or [pipeline id] [flags]
-h, --help help for link
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--source-project-id string project ID from where the pipeline needs to be linked, mandatory when using pipeline code
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines list
This command lists the pipelines for a given project
icav2 projectpipelines list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines start
This command starts a pipeline in the current project
icav2 projectpipelines start [command]
Available Commands:
cwl Start a CWL pipeline
cwljson Start a CWL Json pipeline
nextflow Start a Nextflow pipeline
nextflowjson Start a Nextflow Json pipeline
-h, --help help for start
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 projectpipelines start [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 projectpipelines start cwl
This command starts a CWL pipeline for a given pipeline id, or for a pipeline code from the current project.
icav2 projectpipelines start cwl [pipeline id] or [code] [flags]
--data-id stringArray Enter data id's as follows : dataId{optional-mount-path} . Add flag multiple times for multiple values. Mount path is optional and can be absolute and relative and can not contain curly braces.
--data-parameters stringArray Enter data-parameters as follows : parameterCode:referenceDataId . Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
-h, --help help for cwl
--idempotency-key string Add a maximum 255 character idempotency key to prevent duplicate requests. The response is retained for 7 days so the key must be unique during that timeframe.
--input stringArray Enter inputs as follows : parametercode:dataId,dataId{optional-mount-path},dataId,... . Add flag multiple times for multiple values. Mount path is optional and can be absolute and relative and can not contain curly braces and commas.
--input-json string Analysis input JSON string. JSON input works only with file-based CWL pipelines (built using code, not a graphical editor in ICA).
--output-parent-folder string The id of the folder in which the output folder should be created.
--parameters stringArray Enter single-value parameters as code:value. Enter multi-value parameters as code:"'value1','value2','value3'". To add multiple values, add the flag multiple times.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--reference-tag stringArray Reference tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--storage-size string (*) Name of the storage size. Can be fetched using the command 'icav2 analysisstorages list'
--technical-tag stringArray Technical tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--type-input string (*) Input type STRUCTURED or JSON
--user-reference string (*) User reference
--user-tag stringArray User tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines start cwljson
This command starts a CWL Json pipeline for a given pipeline id, or for a pipeline code from the current project. See ICA CLI documentation for more information (
icav2 projectpipelines start cwljson [pipeline id] or [code] [flags]
--field stringArray Fields. Add flag multiple times for multiple fields. --field fieldA:value --field multivalueFieldB:value1,value2
--field-data stringArray Data fields. Add flag multiple times for multiple fields. --field-data --field-data multivalueFieldB:fil.id1,fil.id2
--group stringArray Groups. Add flag multiple times for multiple fields in the group. --group groupA.index1.multivalueFieldA:value1,value2 --group groupA.index1.fieldB:value --group groupB.index1.fieldA:value --group groupB.index2.fieldA:value
--group-data stringArray Data groups. Add flag multiple times for multiple fields in the group. --group-data groupA.index1.multivalueFieldA:fil.id1,fil.id2 --group-data --group-data --group-data
-h, --help help for cwljson
--idempotency-key string Add a maximum 255 character idempotency key to prevent duplicate requests. The response is retained for 7 days so the key must be unique during that timeframe.
--output-parent-folder string The id of the folder in which the output folder should be created.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--reference-tag stringArray Reference tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--storage-size string (*) Name of the storage size. Can be fetched using the command 'icav2 list'.
--technical-tag stringArray Technical tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--user-reference string (*) User reference
--user-tag stringArray User tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Field definition
A field can only have values (--field) and a data field can only have datavalues (--field-data). To create multiple fields or data fields, you have to repeat the flag.
For example
--field fieldA:valueA --fieldB multivalueFieldB:valueB1,valueB2 --field-data"
"fields": [
"id": "fieldA",
"values": [
"id": "multivalueFieldB",
"values": [
"id": "DataFieldC",
"values": [
The following example with --field and --field-data
--field asection:SECTION1
--field atext:"this is atext text"
--field ttt:tb1
--field notallowedrole:f
--field notallowedcondition:"this is a not allowed text box"
--field maxagesum:20
--field-data txts1:fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d8
--field-data txts2:fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d7{/dir1/dir2},fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d6{/dir3/dir4}
"fields": [
"id": "asection",
"values": [
"id": "atext",
"values": [
"this is atext text"
"id": "ttt",
"values": [
"id": "notallowedrole",
"values": [
"id": "notallowedcondition",
"values": [
"this is a not allowed text box"
"id": "maxagesum",
"values": [
"dataValues": [
"dataId": "fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d8"
"id": "txts1"
"dataValues": [
"dataId": "fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d7",
"mountPath": "/dir1/dir2"
"dataId": "fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d6",
"mountPath": "/dir3/dir4"
"id": "txts2"
Group definition
A group will only have values (--group) and a data group can only have datavalues (--group-data). Add flags multiple times for multiple groups and fields in the group.
--group group1.0.age:80
--group group1.0.role:f
--group group1.0.conditions:cancer,covid
--group group1.1.age:20
--group group1.1.role:m
--group group2.0.roleForGroup2:f
"groups": [
"id": "group1",
"values": [
"values": [
"id": "age",
"values": [
"id": "role",
"values": [
"id": "conditions",
"values": [
"dataValues": [
"dataId": "fil.a4f17ecf13ca4f692fd008d9fe48a3d7"
"id": "info"
"values": [
"id": "age",
"values": [
"id": "role",
"values": [
"dataValues": [
"dataId": "fil.a4f17ecf13ca4f692fd008d9fe48a3d7"
"id": "info"
"id": "group2",
"values": [
"values": [
"id": "roleForGroup2",
"values": [
icav2 projectpipelines start nextflow
This command starts a Nextflow pipeline for a given pipeline id, or for a pipeline code from the current project.
icav2 projectpipelines start nextflow [pipeline id] or [code] [flags]
--data-parameters stringArray Enter data-parameters as follows : parameterCode:referenceDataId . Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
-h, --help help for nextflow
--idempotency-key string Add a maximum 255 character idempotency key to prevent duplicate requests. The response is retained for 7 days so the key must be unique during that timeframe.
--input stringArray Enter inputs as follows : parametercode:dataId,dataId{optional-mount-path},dataId,... . Add flag multiple times for multiple values. Mount path is optional and can be absolute and relative and can not contain curly braces and commas.
--output-parent-folder string The id of the folder in which the output folder should be created.
--parameters stringArray Enter single-value parameters as code:value. Enter multi-value parameters as code:"'value1','value2','value3'". To add multiple values, add the flag multiple times.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--reference-tag stringArray Reference tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--storage-size string (*) Name of the storage size. Can be fetched using the command 'icav2 list'.
--technical-tag stringArray Technical tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--user-reference string (*) User reference
--user-tag stringArray User tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectpipelines start nextflowjson
This command starts a Nextflow Json pipeline for a given pipeline id, or for a pipeline code from the current project. See ICA CLI documentation for more information (
icav2 projectpipelines start nextflowjson [pipeline id] or [code] [flags]
--field stringArray Fields. Add flag multiple times for multiple fields. --field fieldA:value --field multivalueFieldB:value1,value2
--field-data stringArray Data fields. Add flag multiple times for multiple fields. --field-data --field-data multivalueFieldB:fil.id1,fil.id2
--group stringArray Groups. Add flag multiple times for multiple fields in the group. --group groupA.index1.multivalueFieldA:value1,value2 --group groupA.index1.fieldB:value --group groupB.index1.fieldA:value --group groupB.index2.fieldA:value
--group-data stringArray Data groups. Add flag multiple times for multiple fields in the group. --group-data groupA.index1.multivalueFieldA:fil.id1,fil.id2 --group-data --group-data --group-data
-h, --help help for nextflowjson
--idempotency-key string Add a maximum 255 character idempotency key to prevent duplicate requests. The response is retained for 7 days so the key must be unique during that timeframe.
--output-parent-folder string The id of the folder in which the output folder should be created.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--reference-tag stringArray Reference tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--storage-size string (*) Name of the storage size. Can be fetched using the command 'icav2 list'.
--technical-tag stringArray Technical tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--user-reference string (*) User reference
--user-tag stringArray User tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Field definition
A field can only have values (--field) and a data field can only have datavalues (--field-data). To create multiple fields or data fields, you have to repeat the flag.
For example
--field fieldA:valueA --fieldB multivalueFieldB:valueB1,valueB2 --field-data"
"fields": [
"id": "fieldA",
"values": [
"id": "multivalueFieldB",
"values": [
"id": "DataFieldC",
"values": [
The following example with --field and --field-data
--field asection:SECTION1
--field atext:"this is atext text"
--field ttt:tb1
--field notallowedrole:f
--field notallowedcondition:"this is a not allowed text box"
--field maxagesum:20
--field-data txts1:fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d8
--field-data txts2:fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d7{/dir1/dir2},fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d6{/dir3/dir4}
"fields": [
"id": "asection",
"values": [
"id": "atext",
"values": [
"this is atext text"
"id": "ttt",
"values": [
"id": "notallowedrole",
"values": [
"id": "notallowedcondition",
"values": [
"this is a not allowed text box"
"id": "maxagesum",
"values": [
"dataValues": [
"dataId": "fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d8"
"id": "txts1"
"dataValues": [
"dataId": "fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d7",
"mountPath": "/dir1/dir2"
"dataId": "fil.ade9bd0b6113431a2de108d9fe48a3d6",
"mountPath": "/dir3/dir4"
"id": "txts2"
Group definition
A group will only have values (--group) and a data group can only have datavalues (--group-data). Add flags multiple times for multiple groups and fields in the group.
--group group1.0.age:80
--group group1.0.role:f
--group group1.0.conditions:cancer,covid
--group group1.1.age:20
--group group1.1.role:m
--group group2.0.roleForGroup2:f
"groups": [
"id": "group1",
"values": [
"values": [
"id": "age",
"values": [
"id": "role",
"values": [
"id": "conditions",
"values": [
"dataValues": [
"dataId": "fil.a4f17ecf13ca4f692fd008d9fe48a3d7"
"id": "info"
"values": [
"id": "age",
"values": [
"id": "role",
"values": [
"dataValues": [
"dataId": "fil.a4f17ecf13ca4f692fd008d9fe48a3d7"
"id": "info"
"id": "group2",
"values": [
"values": [
"id": "roleForGroup2",
"values": [
icav2 projectpipelines unlink
This unlinks a pipeline from a project. Use code or id to identifiy the pipeline. If code is not found, argument is used as id.
icav2 projectpipelines unlink [pipeline name] or [pipeline id] [flags]
-h, --help help for unlink
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projects
This is the root command for actions that act on projects
icav2 projects [command]
Available Commands:
create Create a project
enter Enter project context
exit Exit project context
get Get details of a project
list List projects
-h, --help help for projects
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 projects [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 projects create
This command creates a project.
icav2 projects create [projectname] [flags]
--billing-mode string Billing mode , defaults to PROJECT (default "PROJECT")
--data-sharing Indicates whether the data and samples created in this project can be linked to other Projects. This flag needs no value, adding it sets the value to true.
-h, --help help for create
--info string Info about the project
--metadata-model string Id of the metadata model.
--owner string Owner of the project. Default is the current user
--region string Region of the project. When not specified : takes a default when there is only 1 region, else a choice will be given.
--short-descr string Short pipelineDescription of the project
--storage-bundle string Id of the storage bundle. When not specified : takes a default when there is only 1 bundle, else a choice will be given.
--storage-config string An optional storage configuration id to have self managed storage.
--storage-config-sub-folder string Required when specifying a storageConfigurationId. The subfolder determines the object prefix of your self managed storage.
--technical-tag stringArray Technical tags for this project. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--user-tag stringArray User tags for this project. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projects enter
This command sets the project context for future commands
icav2 projects enter [projectname] or [project id] [flags]
-h, --help help for enter
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projects exit
This command switches the user back to their personal context
icav2 projects exit [flags]
-h, --help help for exit
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projects get
This command fetches the details of the current project. If no project id is given, we take the one from the config file.
icav2 projects get [project id] [flags]
-h, --help help for get
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projects list
This command lists the projects for the current user. Page-offset can only be used in combination with sort-by. Sorting can be done on
- name
- shortDescription
- information
icav2 projects list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
--max-items int maximum number of items to return, the limit and default is 1000
--page-offset int Page offset, only used in combination with sort-by. Offset-based pagination has a result limit of 200K rows and does not guarantee unique results across pages
--page-size int32 Page size, only used in combination with sort-by. The amount of rows to return. Use in combination with the offset or cursor parameter to get subsequent results. Default and max value of pagesize=1000 (default 1000)
--sort-by string specifies the order to list items
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples
This is the root command for actions that act on projects samples
icav2 projectsamples [command]
Available Commands:
complete Set sample to complete
create Create a sample for a project
delete Delete a sample for a project
get Get details of a sample
link Link data to a sample for a project
list List of samples for a project
listdata List data from given sample
unlink Unlink data from a sample for a project
update Update a sample for a project
-h, --help help for projectsamples
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 projectsamples [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 projectsamples complete
The sample status will be set to 'Available' and a sample completed event will be triggered as well.
icav2 projectsamples complete [sampleId] [flags]
-h, --help help for complete
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples create
This command creates a sample for a project. It takes the name of the sample as argument.
icav2 projectsamples create [name] [flags]
--description string Description
-h, --help help for create
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--technical-tag stringArray Technical tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--user-tag stringArray User tag. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples delete
This command deletes a sample from a project. The different flags indicate the way they are deleted. Only 1 flag can be used.
icav2 projectsamples delete [sampleId] [flags]
--deep Delete the entire sample: sample and linked files will be deleted from your project.
-h, --help help for delete
--mark Mark a sample as deleted.
--unlink Unlinking the sample: sample is deleted and files are unlinked and available again for linking to another sample.
--with-input Delete the sample as well as its input data: sample is deleted from your project, the input files and pipeline output folders are still present in the project but will not be available for linking to a new sample.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples get
This command fetches the details a sample using the argument as a name, if nothing found, the argument is used as an id (uuid).
icav2 projectsamples get [sample id] or [name] [flags]
-h, --help help for get
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples link
This command adds data to a project sample. Argument is the id of the project sample
icav2 projectsamples link [sampleId] [flags]
--data-id stringArray (*) Data id of the data that needs to be linked to the project sample. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
-h, --help help for link
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples list
This command lists the samples for a given project
icav2 projectsamples list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
--include-deleted Include the deleted samples in the list. Default set to false.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--technical-tag stringArray Technical tags to filter on. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--user-tag stringArray User tags to filter on. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples listdata
This command lists the data for a given sample. It only supports offset based, and default sorting is done on timeCreated. Sorting can be done on timeCreated
- timeModified
- name
- path
- fileSizeInBytes
- status
- format
- dataType
- willBeArchivedAt
- willBeDeletedAt
icav2 projectsamples listdata [sampleId] [path] [flags]
--data-type string Data type. Available values : FILE or FOLDER
--file-name stringArray The filenames to filter on. The filenameMatchMode-parameter determines how the filtering is done. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
-h, --help help for listdata
--match-mode string Match mode for the file name. Available values : EXACT (default), EXCLUDE, FUZZY.
--max-items int maximum number of items to return, the limit and default is 1000
--page-offset int Page offset, only used in combination with sort-by. Offset-based pagination has a result limit of 200K rows and does not guarantee unique results across pages
--page-size int32 Page size, only used in combination with sort-by. The amount of rows to return. Use in combination with the offset or cursor parameter to get subsequent results. Default and max value of pagesize=1000 (default 1000)
--parent-folder Indicates that the given argument is path of the parent folder. All children are selected for list, not the folder itself. This flag needs no value, adding it sets the value to true.
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--sort-by string specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")
--status stringArray Add the status of the data. Available values : PARTIAL, AVAILABLE, ARCHIVING, ARCHIVED, UNARCHIVING, DELETING. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples unlink
This command removes data from a project sample. Argument is the id of the project sample
icav2 projectsamples unlink [sampleId] [flags]
--data-id stringArray (*) Data id of the data that will be removed from the project sample. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
-h, --help help for unlink
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 projectsamples update
This command updates a sample for a project. Name,description, user and technical tags can be updated
icav2 projectsamples update [sampleId] [flags]
--add-tech-tag stringArray Tech tag to add. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--add-user-tag stringArray User tag to add. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
-h, --help help for update
--name string Name
--project-id string project ID to set current project context
--remove-tech-tag stringArray Tech tag to remove. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
--remove-user-tag stringArray User tag to remove. Add flag multiple times for multiple values.
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 regions
This is the root command for actions that act on regions
icav2 regions [command]
Available Commands:
list list of regions
-h, --help help for regions
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 regions [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 regions list
This command lists all the regions
icav2 regions list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 storagebundles
This is the root command for actions that act on storage bundles
icav2 storagebundles [command]
Available Commands:
list list of storage bundles
-h, --help help for storagebundles
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 storagebundles [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 storagebundles list
This command lists all the storage bundles id's
icav2 storagebundles list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 storageconfigurations
This is the root command for actions that act on storage configurations
icav2 storageconfigurations [command]
Available Commands:
list list of storage configurations
-h, --help help for storageconfigurations
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 storageconfigurations [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 storageconfigurations list
This command lists all the storage configurations
icav2 storageconfigurations list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 tokens
This is the root command for actions that act on tokens
icav2 tokens [command]
Available Commands:
create Create a JWT token
refresh Refresh a JWT token from basic authentication
-h, --help help for tokens
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Use "icav2 tokens [command] --help" for more information about a command.
icav2 tokens create
This command creates a JWT token from the API key.
icav2 tokens create [flags]
-h, --help help for create
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 tokens refresh
This command refreshes a JWT token from basic authentication with gantype JWT-bearer that is set with the -t flag.
icav2 tokens refresh [flags]
-h, --help help for refresh
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
icav2 version
The version of this application
icav2 version [flags]
-h, --help help for version
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string JWT used to call rest service
-o, --output-format string output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string server url to direct commands
-k, --x-api-key string api key used to call rest service
Last updated
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