
The Activity view shows the status and history of long-running activities including Data Transfers, Base Jobs, Base Activity, Bench Activity and Batch Jobs.

Data Transfers

The Data Transfers tab shows the status of data uploads and downloads. You can sort, search and filter on various criteria and export the information. Show ongoing transfers (top right) allows you to filter out the completed and failed transfers to focus on current activity.

Base Jobs

The Base Jobs tab gives an overview of all the actions related to a table or a query that have run or are running (e.g., Copy table, export table, Select * from table, etc.)

The jobs are shown with their:

  • Creation time: When did the job start

  • Description: The query or the performed action with some extra information

  • Type: Which action was taken

  • Status: Failed or succeeded

  • Duration: How long the job took

  • Billed bytes: The used bytes that need to be paid for

Failed jobs provide information on why the job failed. Details are accessed by double-clicking the failed job. Jobs in progress can be aborted here.

Base Activity

The Base Activity tab gives an overview of previous results (e.g., Executed query, Succeeded Exporting table, Created table, etc.) Collecting this information can take considerable time. For performance reasons, only the activity of the last month (rolling window) with a limit of 1000 records is shown and available for download as Excel or JSON. To get the data for the last year without limit on the number of records, use the export as file function. No activity data is retained for more than one year.

The activities are shown with:

  • Start Time: The moment the action was started

  • Query: The SQL expression.

  • Status: Failed or succeeded

  • Duration: How long the job took

  • User: The user that requested the action

  • Size: For SELECT queries, the size of the query results is shown. Queries resulting in less than 100Kb of data will be shown with a size of <100K

Bench Activity

The Bench Activity tab shows the actions taken on Bench Workspaces in the project.

The activities are shown with:

  • Workspace: Workspace where the activity took place

  • Date: Date and time of the activity

  • User: User who performed the activity

  • Action: Which activity was performed

Batch Jobs

The Batch Jobs tab allows users to monitor progress of Batch Jobs in the project. It lists Data Downloads, Sample Creation (double-click entries for details) and Data Linking (double-click entries for details). The (ongoing) Batch Job details are updated each time they are (re)opened, or when the refresh button is selected at the bottom of the details screen. Batch jobs which have a final state such as Failed or Succeeded are removed from the activity list after 7 days.

Which batch jobs are visible depends on the user role.

Project Creator

Project Collaborator same tenant

Project Collaborator different tenant

All batch jobs

All batch jobs

Only batch jobs of own tenant

Last updated

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