Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Guide

This section contains commonly encountered problems and possible solutions.

Storage Configuration

The following are common issues encountered when connecting an AWS S3 bucket through a storage configuration

Conflicting bucket notifications

This error occurs when an existing bucket notification's event information overlap with the notifications ICA is trying to add. Amazon S3 event notification only allows overlapping events with non-overlapping prefix. Depending on the conflicts on the notifications, the error can be presented in any of the following:

Volume Configuration cannot be provisioned: storage container is already set up for customer's own notification

Invalid parameters for volume configuration: found conflicting storage container notifications with overlapping prefixes

Failed to update bucket policy: Configurations overlap. Configurations on the same bucket cannot share a common event type

To fix the issue:

  1. In the Amazon S3 Console, review your current S3 bucket's notification configuration and look for prefixes that overlaps with your Storage Configuration's key prefix

  2. Delete the existing notification that overlaps with your Storage Configuration's key prefix

  3. ICA will perform a series of steps in the background to re-verify the connection to your bucket.

GetTemporaryUploadCredentialsAsync failure

This error can occur when recreating a recently deleted storage/volume configuration. To fix the issue, you have to delete the bucket notifications:

  1. In the Amazon S3 Console ( select the bucket for which you need to delete the notifications from the list.

  2. Choose properties

  3. Navigate to the Event Notifications section and choose the check box for the event notifications with name gds:objectcreated, gds:objectremoved and gds:objectrestore and click Delete.

  4. Wait 15 minutes for the storage to become available in ICA

If you do not want to wait 15 minutes, you can delete the current volume configuration, delete the bucket notifications in the bucket and create a new Volume configuration.

Data Transfer Issues

Workspace Data

If you encounter issues when uploading/downloading data in a workspace, the security settings for that workspace may be set to not allow uploads and downloads. This can result in RequestError: send request failed and read: connection reset by peer. This is by design in restricted workspaces and thus limits data access to your project via /data/project to prevent the extraction of large amounts of (proprietary) data.

Last updated