
The coordination and orchestration of automated secondary analysis following a sequencing run involves many moving parts and potential failure modes. The following section provides guidance on common error scenarios.

Secondary Analysis Troubleshooting

Secondary analysis failures may happen for a variety of reasons. When an error occurs, the Sequencing Run in BaseSpace will indicate a failure with the analysis. Depending on the specific failure, the workflow session and/or the orchestrated analysis in ICA will indicate a "Failed" status with an Error output in the details view.

Transfer Ownership

BaseSpace can transfer data and analyses between tenants. This results in the following log entries to indicate the transfer.

  • In the source tenant:\

    • ICA_DATA_044 Folder <folderid> moved from project <projectname> to tenant <tenantname> initiated by <Appname>.

    • ICA_EXEC_030 Analysis <Analysisid> moved from project <projectuuid> to tenant <tenantname> initiated by <Appname>.

  • in the target tenant:\

    • ICA_DATA_045 Folder <folderid> moved from tenant <tenantname> to project <projectname> initiated by <Appname>.

    • ICA_EXEC_031 Analysis <Analysisid> moved from tenant <tenantname> to project <tenantuuid> initiated by <Appname>.

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