The coordination and orchestration of automated secondary analysis following a sequencing run involves many moving parts and potential failure modes. The following section provides guidance on common error scenarios.
Secondary Analysis Troubleshooting
Secondary analysis failures may happen for a variety of reasons. When an error occurs, the Sequencing Run in BaseSpace will indicate a failure with the analysis. Depending on the specific failure, the workflow session and/or the orchestrated analysis in ICA will indicate a "Failed" status with an Error output in the details view.
Transfer Ownership
BaseSpace can transfer data and analyses between tenants. This results in the following log entries to indicate the transfer.
In the source tenant:\
ICA_DATA_044 Folder <folderid> moved from project <projectname> to tenant <tenantname> initiated by <Appname>.
ICA_EXEC_030 Analysis <Analysisid> moved from project <projectuuid> to tenant <tenantname> initiated by <Appname>.
in the target tenant:\
ICA_DATA_045 Folder <folderid> moved from tenant <tenantname> to project <projectname> initiated by <Appname>.
ICA_EXEC_031 Analysis <Analysisid> moved from tenant <tenantname> to project <tenantuuid> initiated by <Appname>.
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